Sunday, August 7, 2011


Old post is OLD. Nice job keeping the site going! Guess I'll take over. WE NO LONGER GO TO EP. JAVI SHOULD CHANGE THE NAME TO CEADERBOOK! Hehe! Get it? CeaderBROOK, CeaderBOOK? If you agree, comment and email Javi!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hi! My first post on Elkins Park Book!

So, since you're going to be reading my posts, I figured I'd start by saying hi! So, well, hi!
Now I'll apoligize for my friend Autumn in advance. It'll save me some time. She can be a bit ....... Uhhhh... Idodic.... And spazzy... And well yeah. Sorry. Oh by the way, DID YOU SEE MR.COSTELLO'S HAIR?!?!? HE KILLED IT!! MY MOHAWK!!! DEAD! But it was pretty cool.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Hola! My name is Autumn, and I'm another writer for the Elkins Park Book! YAY! Here's my lingo cuz you'll probably need it to understand my cradiculous mind:
1. Cradiculous - crazy and ridiculous!!!
2. Kikx - the new and cooler LOL!
3. pawsome - awesome with paw. higher level of awesome.
4. cheesemuffin - took it from two kidz at skool, my friends think i need help!!! KIKX!
5. jeez louise ham and cheese - regular old jeez louise was too plain for me ;)

Catch ya later!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter Break

Hey guys!
I'm sure you're all getting excited for winter break! It's already getting cold! We are also going to have a contest, to write about what yur going to do over break. The winners story will be posted on Christmas, tho your probably going to be celebrating but well still post it. Thanks,

Sent from my iPod